Sunday, February 26, 2017

Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil

I like that Cheech and Chong get SO much more money than 95% of the rest of the cast. Including Patrick Warburton who doesn't even make it on the front of the poster.

Cheech and Chong are in the movie for 4 minutes. MAXIMUM. 'Cheech' Marin and Tommy Chong are also two individual people with full names, but the movie poster can't be bothered with that.

We review Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil for no conceivable reason.

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Sunday, February 12, 2017


Well... we tried to avoid this one. Thought we could get away with it if we never mentioned it BUT... alas..we've been found out and here we are.

Jim Belushi is back in his 3rd movie with that's great. That's way more Jim Belushi than I ever wanted in my life...but fine.

This episodes tag password is Red Riding Hood Patrick Warburton Fairy Tale Comedy Garbage Suicidal Thoughts Oscar Winner Anne Hathaway

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