Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sausage Party

If you think the word 'fuck' is funny, get ready, cause that's the joke.

We review FoodFight's better behaved, and somehow more controversial cousin Sausage Party.

Also Gloria McAndrew continues her trend of only being in some episodes. This one isn't one of them.

The password for this episode is Food Fight Gross Seth Native American Alcoholism Fuck Funny?

Direct Fuck Download Fuck -- Funny right?

Our newest episode!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Lion and His Son 2

Yes that's a Playstation 2 game that's not a mistake.

The Cartoon Lampoon Podcast officially lowers the bar on what it considers to be a movie. The bare minimum is now 2 frames

For anyone in the know: this is a Dingo Pictures film. For anyone not in the know: Welcome to the know.

The password for this episode is: The Lion King Ripoff Disney Animated Filth Insult

Direct Download

Our newest episode!