Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Story of Santa Claus

If you ever wanted a Christmas movie where Santa Claus bitch-slaps a wizard in front of his own son while soaring above the clouds in a magic sleigh than this is the movie for you.

And if you ever wanted that than something is wrong with you.

It stars Ed Asner (who would go on to play Santa Claus like 7 more times) and Tim Curry who has been in so many bad animated movies that we've reviewed I've honestly lost count.

Oh and if anyone is curious we found some personal art work from the film's director Toby Bluth

Its not great but its better than half of his brother's movies.

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Christmas Tree

I really hate Christmas now. Just...just flat out hate it.

This is one of our most requested movies for our Christmas months so we finally saddled up to experience the mind numbing monotony that is The Christmas Tree. A movie that is more Dissolve-To-Black than actual film. 

Spoiler Alert: The DVD case doesn't make it out of the review entirely unscathed so... don't get too attached to that great box art.

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